Required settings

  • Project identifier
  • Dataset
  • Service account

Getting your project identifier

When you are in your GCP project, you can see your GCP project ID at the top of the navigation bar.

GCP project id

Getting your dataset name

To find this out, go into your BigQuery console and you will see the dataset name on the left side of the screen.

BigQuery dataset

Retrieving your credentials

To create a service account, please do the following:

  1. Go to the IAM & Admin section in your GCP console and click Service Accounts.
  2. Click on Create Service Account, give it a name and click Create and Continue.
  3. Grant the BigQuery Admin role to the service account click Done.
  4. Go into the service account you just created and click on Keys and then Add Key.
  5. Choose JSON and click Create. This will download a JSON file with your credentials.

Best practices