Welcome to Artie, the database replication platform.
What is Artie?
Artie is a fully managed database replication platform that helps you sync data from your databases to your data warehouse in real-time with change data capture.
Inviting your team member
How to invite a team member
Creating your first deployment ⚡️
We have broken this out into 3 parts.
Click + New deployment
and specify the source you want Artie to replicate from.
1. Select your source database
Once you have chosen your source, you can now specify how Artie will connect to your database. Our service account script will be on the right side of your window.
2. Select the tables you want to replicate
Pick all the tables you want Artie to replicate. By default, Artie continuously keeps tables in sync with your source.
You can also choose to enable history mode which will create a separate table (SCD Type 4) with the __history
suffix and record every change along with the database operation and timestamp. Customers enable history mode to replace the need to run daily snapshots.
Within each table, you can also click on the settings icon to specify advanced settings.
Table advanced settings
3. Select your destination
Select your destination by choosing a destination type. Once you have done that, please fill in the destination specific details and create a service account.
Destination specific instructions
Once the destinations have been filled out, you can optionally change any of these advanced settings.
Once your deployment is live, you can monitor the status of it from the analytics portal and stay up to date on your schema changes from our schema change notifications.
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