
Usage-based pricing with automatic volume discounts. Backfills are always free.
Self-host Artie
Access to all sources and destinations
CDC log-based database replication
Automatic schema evolution
Basic telemetry
Community Slack support
Start on GitHub
Most popular
Pay as you go, starting at $500/mo
Scalable pricing for fast growing companies
Everything in Community and...
Schema evolution and alerts
Analytics and monitoring
History mode
Snowflake eco mode
Advanced networking
Dedicated Slack channel
Get started
Custom pricing
For large organizations with custom needs
Everything in Cloud and...
On-prem deployment
Dedicated Kafka and Kubernetes cluster
White glove onboarding and implementation
Integrate with Okta or any OIDC SSO provider
Enterprise support (24/7)
Talk to a founder
Trusted by world-class data & engineering teams

Pricing that scales

Double your business, without doubling costs. We do not charge for backfills. Ever.
Data volume

Our A/B testing framework measures much faster and we have higher data integrity now. This means the whole company can move faster and make decisions quicker. Artie is business critical and our day to day would be significantly tougher without it.

Mike Cohen, Head of Data at Substack

Frequently asked questions

What does Artie do?
Will Artie impact the performance of my database?
What if we're worried about Postgres replication slot overflow?
Is Artie scalable?
Does Artie store my data?
What sources and destinations are supported?
Does Artie support emojis?